Internal Policies and Practices
34 topics in this forum
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Do any agencies have specific wording requirements for announcing upcoming elections for two board seats and the related candidate filing dates? If you have already posted about this, could you share the verbiage and details used? Additionally, where are the announcements required to be posted?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Can any agencies share a copy of Board Bylaws for Health Districts?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have a Code of Safe Practices they are willing to share? More specifically, looking for examples regarding safe practices used for an agency's Solid Waste Department.
Last reply by LINK, -
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Would any district be willing to share their developer/development policy? Thank you!
Last reply by LINK, -
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Does anyone know where agencies can inquire about obtaining a new District Seal or requesting a replacement?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have an example of an office safety and injury prevention program? One focused more on office staff protocols for safety as opposed to field operations.
Last reply by LINK, -
How do other agencies handle the distribution of legislative and grant support letters within city councils? More specifically, are these types of communications shared with all council members or primarily with the mayor? What are the benefits and potential drawbacks of the chosen methods for distributing legislative and grant support letters within city councils?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Could any agencies share any guidelines or policy that your agency has developed regarding a Commemorative Flag Displaying Policy?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any organizations have suggestions, including recommendations for assistive technologies, to aid board members with hearing impairments in hearing and participating in meetings?
Last reply by LINK, -
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- 4 replies
Can any agency share their procedures for AB1234 training? Do all staff need to complete 700 forms annually?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have existing guidelines for Ad Hoc Committees? More specifically, Ad Hoc Committees in which citizens are members of the committee? If so, are these citizen members required to complete Form 700, and the Ethics and Harassment Prevention Training?
Last reply by LINK, -
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- 2 replies
Do any agencies have examples of policies that allow employees to rent County property as primary residences? If so, can you share an example of a lease agreement or a policy that has a formalized program?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Can any agencies share their policy for vacation accruals and vacation cash out options? More specifically, a policy that gives employees a higher accrual maximum for vacation and provides the option to cash out a max of 100 hours per calendar year.
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have any examples employee newsletters at your organization they are willing to share? Did your agency establish any guidelines/parameters for those newsletters?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have a copy of administrative policies regarding non-profit partnerships they can share? These policies could include guidelines, procedures or any other relevant documentation that outlines the processes and expectations for engaging with non-profit entities.
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have a Business Task Force that discusses issues related to business success and opportunities for future economic growth? If your agency has a Business Task Force or something of a similar nature can you share your experience? How many members are on the Business Task Force and how are they appointed?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Has any agencies conducted a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) study recently? If so, could you share your experience? Specifically, was the study conducted internally or externally? Do you have an RFQ/RFP/RFI you are willing to share? Do you have a consultant you recommend? Are you able to share the results of the study? What was the total cost of the study and implementation procedures?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Can anyone share any ideas or procedures to standardize onboarding procedures for new hires? Specifically, procedures regarding granting needed access and resources.
Last reply by LINK, -
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Does your agency provide new City Councilmembers with a formal orientation? If so, would you mind sharing your agendas, presentations, etc?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Do any agencies have examples of a policy that allows citizens to add items to city council agendas? If so, can you share?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Have any agencies incorporated inclusivity and diversity factors into their hiring processes for consultants and maintenance services? These factors could include hiring locally, workforce development investments and/or health benefit requirements. If your agency has similar policies, could you share your policies?
Last reply by LINK, -
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We are in the process of updating our policy for accepting donations. Does anyone have a donation policy that is working well that you could share?
Last reply by LINK, -
Remote Work
by LINK- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Are any of your jurisdictions updating or creating new remote work policies to allow for more flexibility? If so, would you be willing to share your work?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Does your city/agency have a floating holiday policy? If so, could you share your policy with me?
Last reply by LINK, -
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Does your noise ordinance include decibel measurements? Has your City hired a consultant to conduct a sound study? We are exploring a potential sound study to measure ambient, baseline downtown sound levels as part of our outdoor dining program development.
Last reply by LINK,